To install a theme, click on its link and copy the resulting CSS. Then, click the Stylus extension icon and Write style for: Paste and save. Give it a name that will remind you of it. You can add all the styles I've written and switch between them at will from the Stylus menu.


Preview of the Pineapple theme
Preview of the Pineapple theme in an article


Preview of the Cute theme
Preview of the Cute theme in an article


Preview of the Sand theme
Preview of the Sand theme in an article


Preview of the Ice theme
Preview of the Ice theme in an article

Yotsuba B

Preview of the Yotsuba B theme
Preview of the Yotsuba B theme in an article


Preview of the Ghost theme
Preview of the Ghost theme in an article


Preview of the Water theme
Preview of the Water theme inside an article


Preview of the Forest theme
Preview of the Forest theme in an article


Preview of the Simpleton theme
Preview of the Simpleton theme in an article
Above theme was made by Oreamnos - visit his site (gopher support required; use OverbiteFF extension in Pale Moon)


Preview of the Matrix theme
Preview of the Matrix theme in an article
Above theme was made by sewer2k

Commodore 64

Preview of the Commodore 64 theme
Preview of the Commodore 64 theme in an article
Above theme was made by anincet

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